The Minds Behind DISPERS¶
Principal Investigators:¶
William Gillard¶
William is assistant professor at the Aix-Marseille University. He is a full-time member of the Euclid consortium and is the NISP instrument scientist for the NISP spectroscopic channel and member of the coordination group within the Instrument Operation Team. As part of his duty, he has the responsibility to provide NISP spectroscopic calibration product form the ground data. This duty has led him to define the NISP ground test plan and to take the lead of the analysis of the dataset collected during the ground test campaigns. He is also member of the ANR DeepDip, started two years ago, which aim at calibrating photometric redshift by mean of machine learning technic. William Gillard will lead the team toward the development of a physical model of the NISP’s instrument response.
The Team:¶
Julien Zoubian¶
Julien is Research Engineer and permanent staff of CPPM. He is a full-time member of the Euclid consortium as NISP Instrument Model Owner (IMO). He is an expert on the slit-less spectroscopy simulation and started the development of the NISP sky simulator TIPS which is now under the responsibility of the SIMulation Organisation-Unit (OU-SIM) within the Euclid consortium. Additionally, Julien Zoubian has an expertise in modelling and machine learning, and its implementation on computing farms, on the CPPM GPU platform as well as on national platforms such as the CC-IN2P3 and the Jean-Zay supercomputer. He is a member of the scientific committee of the AstroInfo thematic school of CNRS and member of the ANR DEEPDIP project.
Aurélia Secroun¶
Aurélia is a Research Engineer and permanent staff at CPPM. She is the lead of the Detector and Data group within the CPPM. She is an expert on IR pixel detectors and has the responsibility of the NISP IR characterization detectors carried out at CPPM. She is strongly involved in data analyses of the NISP IR detectors and she supervises PhD Jean Le Graet in his analyses of the NISP pixel responses.
Stéphanie Escoffier¶
Stéphanie is a researcher and permanent staff at CPPM. She is involved on Euclid Working Group devoted to the cosmological parameters inference from analysis of Euclid Galaxy Clustering and as expertise in data analyses.
Éric Kajfaz¶
Éric is researcher and permanent staff at CPPM. He is co-supervising PhD Jean Le GRAET in his analyses of the NISP pixel responses.
Jean Le Graet¶
Jean started his PhD in October 2021. His PhD work s focuses on the analysis of NISP detectors data taken during the detector characterization campaign. He is co-supervised by Aurélia Secroun and Eric Kajfaz.
Dominique Benielli¶
Dominique is research Engineer. She led the developments of the NISP-spectroscopic simulation in OU-SIM of within the Euclid consortium, and she worked on porting the instrument model development to the Euclid Science Ground Segment.
She is now responsible for the Development Unit at Institut Archimede (AMU), where she oversees software valorization services for the I2M, LIS, CPT, and Fresnel laboratories. Her primary role involves software development for promoting and disseminating codes resulting from the research conducted in member laboratories within the institute. The domains she covers include mathematics, computer science, signal/image processing, and theoretical physics.
Dominique is actively engaged in both software development and technical support. Her projects are incredibly diverse; for example, she has been involved in multiview learning, astrophysical image learning, quantum computing learning, number theory development, finite volume partial differential equations, optical microscopy, and graph forests.
Lucas Saunière¶
Lucas is a PhD student at CPPM. He is working on the development of a physical model of the NISP’s instrument response. He is co-supervised by William Gillard and Stéphanie Escoffier.
Batiste Delaveau¶
Batiste is a student at the Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées (IPSA). He completed an internship at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM) as part of the DISPERS team, from June to October 2024. During his internship, Batiste applied YOLO algorithms to slitless spectroscopic images from the Euclid/NISP instrument, exploring new techniques for spectrum detection in images.